Join us at our next open event on January 25th, from 10:00 - 13:00.
SGS Sixth
Parent Zone
Undertaking A-Levels is a crucial time in a personal's life. The more help and support we can provide, working in partnership with each other, the greater the chances are of our learners achieving their full potential.
At SGS Sixth, each individual student sits at the heart of everything we do. From developing our curriculum, to providing relevant enrichment opportunities and learning experiences, you can guarantee that SGS Sixth will devote the time needed to unleashing the potential of your young adult and equipping them with the skills, foundation knowledge and expertise needed to navigate this challenging period in their lives.
Our experienced management team and passionate staff are eager communicate with you as parents through reporting structures and regular newsletters so, every student that comes to us is freed from barriers that could stop them from achieving their academic dreams and aspirations. We look forward to working collaboratively with you to ensure the academic and vocational success of your child in their educational pursuits.
Becky Riddell
Head of SGS Sixth
Parent's Evenings
We hold two parent evenings a year, one in the late Autumn for Year 2 learners and one in the Spring for our Year 1 learners. In these parent evenings you can book to see teachers to recieve updates on how the young person in your care is progressing in their subjects.
By signing up to Parent Portal, you can also always have attendance, assignment and formal assessment information at your finger tips.
Being Involved
We strongly encourage parents and guardians to continue to have an interest in how their child or young person in their care is progressing on their study programme with us. We have a range of methods for parents and guardians to keep up to date with what is happening at SGS Sixth and to track progress.
We recommend visiting our Parent Portal which provides access to a range of information, from attendance and punctuality to assessment grades and exam dates and timetables. We also publish every half term a Progress Report on a young person's progress which is also viewable through Parent Portal.
Making an appointment to visit us
If you wish to talk to a member of staff, we ask all parents and guardians to make an appointment in advance. This is because staff are teaching, on duties and in meetings during the day, and it is very unlikely they are available if you turn up at Reception without an appointment.
Getting in touch with us
Our dedicated Customer Experience Team are available between 8:00 - 17:00 Monday till Friday on 0800 0567253. Alternatively, you can contact our Sixth Form directly on 0117 915 2459 or email