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Sixth Form learners enjoy more trips on the second trips days of the year


On the 7th and 8th of March we held our second trips days of the year with multiple trips organised by staff in the Sixth Form. Here are the highlights from the days:

English Language trip to the British Library First Year English Language learners visited the British Library on the Euston Road in London. They had a guided tour of the library which holds a copy of every text published in Britain alongside some global treasures. Students saw King George III’s collection of maps and views, the Library's copy of the Magna Carta, handwritten works from some of literature's greatest talents and a fascinating range of Sacred texts. Learners also had the chance to make use of the sound bank at the library, listening to a range of regional dialects from around the UK. There was then time for some sightseeing in London and dinner heading back to the Sixth Form.


Biomedical and Forensics Trip to NHS Blood and Transplant Service Our two groups of Applied Science learners visited the NHS Blood and Transplant hub in Filton across both trips days. They heard about the range of career paths available within the sector, carried out a blood grouping practical in the training lab and took a tour of their manufacturing and testing laboratory facilities. The learners also learnt about the distribution network for blood products after donation, the quality assurance processes and the importance of meeting timeline requirements.


History and Philosophy trip to the Imperial War Museum and Westminster Abbey Twenty-eight learners undertaking History and Philosophy A Levels enjoyed a trip to London on Friday 8th March. In the morning they took part in a curated session led by the learning team at the Imperial War Museum before experiencing the Holocaust Galleries. After a short walk to Westminster, they also were able to enjoy a guided tour of the Abbey, with the Philosophy learners visiting the Shrine of Edward the Confessor and the History learners visiting the tombs of Henry VII, Mary I, Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots.



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